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 Model Engineers Homepages

Homepages van stoom modelbouwers
Becks Dampfseite
Brian Carter's Home Page
Homepage van Erik-Jan Stroetinga
Homepage van Gep Engler
Iqbal Ahmed India's Model Engineer
Majosoft's hobby site
Model Steam & Stirling Page
Ron's Model Engineering
SL model's room
Stationary steam engines
Stoom Modellen van Theo Baartse
StoomPage van Teus Sprong
The Engineman
van Westendorp hobby stoompagina
Wilco's Dioramas

 Dutch Metalworking and Modeling Clubs

Metaalhobbygroep Assen
Nederlandse Ver van Modelbouwers
NVM Rotterdam
Stoomgroep Holland
Stoomgroep West Zuiderpark
Stormpolder rail

 Metalworking and Modeling Clubs

Chingford & District Model Engineering Club
COSME, City of Oxford Society of Model Engineers
Dampf Modell Bahn
East Somerset Society of Model & Experimental Engineers
East Surrey 16mm Group
Hamilton Model Engineers
Hutt Valley MES Home Page
International Stationary Steam Engine Society
Malden District Society of Model Engineers Ltd.
Model Engineering, Live Steam, Modelling, Lost Models Directory, Bookstore, Discussion Groups
Modelspoorklub van de Kust vzw
Pennsylvania Live Steamers
Peterborough Society of Model Engineers
Pioneer Valley Live Steamers
Scrap (Southern California Rarely Accurate Putzers) HSM club
The Bay area engine modelers club
The Bristol society of model engineers
The Gravesend Model Marine and Engineering Society
The Sydney Live Steam Locomotive Society Co-op Ltd.
Uckfield Model Railway

 Railway and Live Steam

Amners Farm
ARHSQ Home Page
Auckland Society of model engineers
Banbury and district model engineering society
Bedford model engineering society
Belfast & country down miniature railway society
Birmingham society of model engineers
Bournemouth district society of model engineers
Bracknell railway society
Bradford model engineering society
Brighouse and halifax model engineers
Brighton and Hove model engineers
Bristol Model Engineers
Bromsgrove cociety of model engineers
Building Bulleid's Locos
Cheltenham Society of Model Engineers
Chesapeake & Allegheny Live Steamers
Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway
Evandale Light Railway and Steam Society Homepage
Geoff's Rail Pages
HMRS Online : The Historical Model Railway Society
Large Scale On-Line Garden Railroad
Lawrence & StoneHedge Railroad
Museumspoorlijn S.T.A.R. - Museumrailway - Museumseisenbahn
National Railway Historical Society (NRHS)
Roundhouse Online
Stoomtrein Goes-Borsele
Ten and quarter inch track gauge
The 71/4 Gauge Society
The Basingstoke and district model engineering society
The beamisch model engineering group
The black country live steamers
The Simplex web site
Uckfield Model Railway Club
West Somerset Railway on the Web
West Wilts Society of Model Engineers
Zig Zag Railway Tourist Railway, Lithgow, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

 Stationairy Engines

Alfa-laval weidewagen
Anton van der Cruijsen stationaire motoren homepage
Appingedammer Bronsmotorenfabriek
Erwin in Lamongerie Frankrijk
Home page van Henk van der Wal
Homepage van Adrie en Jeanne Oostvogels
Homepage van Wouter van Gulik
How Diesel Two-stroke Engines Work
Regionale Gemalenstichting Alblasserwaard
Stationaire motoren homepage
Stickney Engine
Tod Steam Engine

 General Steam Engineering

A Lot of Brass
A Steam Dinosaur
Alles over stoom
Bartlett Engineering Co.
eBay View About Me for smutz
Een stoommachine in de fabriek Gebr. Nagtegaal, te Gouda
glue-it.com - The home of model making
How Steam Engines Work
Model Engineering Clearing House
Oregon Railroad History
Rubens Maskinhistoriska Samlingar
Stationary Steam Database
Steam & Engine of Australia
Steam Engines in Westwold
Steam Pump Collection
Strath Steam - Trak Pul Engineering
The Cathedrals Express
The Galloper Magazine
The Historical Model Railway Society
Welcome to the Modern Steam Online Home Page

 Miniature railway

Aster Hobbies UK
Barnards miniature railway
Corris Railway Society
Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways
Isle of Mull Railway
Leighton Buzzard Railway
Malden DSME Ltd
Penrhyn Railway
Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway
Sittingbourne's Steam Raillway
The BWLR - Bredgar & Wormshill Light Railway
Uckfield Model Railway Club
Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway

 Suplpliers Engeland

5 and 7.25 Gauge Model Locos and Rolling Stock | Phoenix Locos
Arc Tools
Bede Tools and Machinery
Berrybrook Steam
Brunell Steam Model Engineering
Camden miniature steam
Cheddar Valley Steam Bespoke Copper Boiler
Chester Machine Tools
Engineering Tools | Lathe | Milling Machine | Model Engineering
Macc Models
Metal Blackening
Model Engineering Supplies
Model Engineers Laser
New and Used Machine Tools from MBMachineTools
Polly Model Engineering
Shesto - Suppliers of Specialist Tools
Silver Solder cupalloys
Warco - Quality Machine Tools
Welcome to York Industries

Bol AlgemeenBol Algemeen


 Search Plaza

The hobby Machinist WebRing:

 Steam Museum

Links naar diverse stoommusea in Nederland en andere landen
Barcelona Water Museum, Agbar
Bestwood Winding Engine House
Bicton Park Gardens (steam museum)
Brede Waterworks
Bressingham Steam Museum & Gardens has something for everyone!
Brindley Bank Pumping Station Rugeley
Cambridge Museum of technology
Cincinnati Water Works
Claverton Pumping Station
Coldharbour Mill
Crofton Beam Engines
Crofton Pumping Station / Kennet and Avon Canal - Wiltshire
De Bakkersmolen
Dogdyke Pumping Station
Ellenroad Engine House
Elsecar Newcomen Engine
Ironbridge Gorge Museums Trust - Home Page
Keathbank Mill Visitor Centre
Kempton Park Pumping Station
Kew Steam Museum
Kidwelly Industrial Museum
McNeill Street Pumping Station
New South Wales Rail Transport Museum - Rail Heritage Preservation
Papplewick Pumping Station
San Diego Railroad Museum
The Beam Engine at Loughborough University
The Cheddleton Engine
The Crossness Pumping Station
The Stretham Old Engine
Thinktank museum Birmingham
Westonzoyland Pumping Station


African Queen Steamboat
Americas--Steamships, 1854
Gemeinschaft Deutscher Dampfschiffe
Hafendampfschlepper ´Claus D´
Hobby Steamboaters Web Ring
John's Nautical and Boatbuilding Page
Motorschip Zwerver
Museumshafen Oevelgönne
My Steamboat
Nenana National Historic Landmark Nomination
Niagara Steamship
Northwest Steam Society Website
Paddle Steamer Kingswear Castle
Paddle Steamer Waverley
Raderstoomboot De Majesteit
Startseite Dampf - Eisbrecher Stettin
Steam Launch Artemis
Steam Launch Woodbine
Steam Tug T I D 172
Steamboats and Paddlewheelers
Steamships and Lighthouses
Stoomschip HMS ELFIN
Stoomschip Succes
The Carferries of Ludington
The Maritime Heritage Project: Gold Rush Ships, Passengers, Captains
Windermere Steamboat Centre


Alan Esplen Meccano Metal Construction Kits Toys
Meccano AMS
Melbourne Meccano Club Inc. Home Page
The Meccano Web Ring

 Steam Fire Engines

Stichting Historisch Brandweermateriaal

 Steam in Holland

Bezoekerscentrum Gemaal De Hooge Boezem achter Haastrecht
Corus Iron Excursietrein
Cruquius stoommuseum
De Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij
Dockyard V
Familiepark Nienoord
Gemaal de Hooge Boezem
Het Nederlands Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht
Historisch Stoomgemaal De Tuut - Appeltern
Homepage Stoomtrein Goes-Borsele
Museum Buurt Spoorweg Overijssel
Museumspoorlijn S.T.A.R.
Museumstoomtram Hoorn-Medemblik
Nederlands Stoommachinemuseum
Railmusea in Nederland
RTM Ouddorp
Stoom Stichting Nederland
Stoomgemaal Halfweg
Stoomgemaal Kamperzeedijk
Stoomtrein Valkenburgse Meer Nationaal Smalspoormuseum
Ver tot behoud van Stoomwerktuigen
Zuid Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij

 Miniature Railways and club tracks

Dampf Modell Bahn
Eastleigh Lakeside Steam Railway and Country Park.
Harrow and Wembley Society Of Model Engineer's Website
Model Engineering Clubs & Societies - U.K.
The Moors Valley Railway

 Garden Railway

Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers
Bay Area Garden Railway Society
Bekonscot Model Village
Bracknell Railway Society
Brighton & Hove Society of Miniature Locomotive Engineers - Hover Park Railway
Chemin de Fer de la Guette
Denver Garden Railway Society
East Surrey 16mm Group
Kent Area 16mm Group
LLyn Celyn Falls
Moreton Pit Light Railway
Nashville Garden Railway Society
Paul's Gauge One Garden Railways
Romney Marsh Model Engineering Society
Scottish Garden Railways
Southern Steam Trains
The Amalgamated Conserves Tramway
The Bedfordshire Area Group
The Gauge 1 Model Company
The Haggerleases Light Railway
The K-Zone: A G-scale garden railway
The Mid-Derbyshire Light Railway
The Southwold Railway in a garden
The Woodland Railway
Weald & Downland Light Railway
West Clare Garden Railway
WrightWay Rolling Stock
Yorkshire 16mm Group

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 Books & Magazine

Australian Model Engineering Magazine
Boekhandel van de Moosdijk b.v.
Das dampf-modell
Garden Railways Magazine
Grand Scales Quarterly Magazine
Guy Lautard.Com Machinists Books & Supplies: Lathes, Milling, Drills, Gunsmithing and Clock making
Heritage Commercials Magazine
Heritage Railway
Heritage Store - Your site for Steam and Vintage Videos and goods.
Motor Books
Old Glory Magazine
Steam Engine Library
TEE Publishing
The 7 Railroader
The Old Bike Mart Magazine

 Discussie groepen


 Drawings & Tips

Building a Zero-It Type Indicator Holder
Calculator for Designing Compression Springs
Collet Specifications
Concept for oscillating steam engines
Cutting Data
Double Scotch Steam Engine
Drill Size Chart (Inch)
Folkestone Engineering Supplies - Technical Data
Home Metal Shop Club Home Page
Lathe Tapping Device
Materiaal Codering(kleur)
Metric Fine Thread Data
Milling Collets
Phase Converters
Piston rings
Piston rings 2
Piston rings 2a
Pistons and Rings
Quick Change Toolpost for Small Lathes
Shop Made Pump Center
Stand for bandsaw
Steel Equivalent Table
Steel Specifications
Thread & Mechanical Data Tables
Unit Converter

 Events Diary

Abbey Hill Rally
Steamfair.co.uk - Listing of UK Steam Fairs
The Great Dorset Steam Fair

 Lathes and Machinery Links

Atlas Lathe
Bos Machinehandel
Home and Workshop Machinery
Lathes (Machine tools archief)
Myford Lathes
Smart & Brown Lathes
The Sherline Lathe, Mill and Miniature Machining Page
WR Tolkamp Machines

 Model Engineering Software

Animated Engines

 Model Engineering Supplies

AtelierMB Gussteile EU
Bartlett Engineering Co. - Steaming Ahead of the Rest
Blackgates Engineering
Building The 1/4 Scale 270 Offy
C.B. Schrock, Purveyor of Machinery and other Uniquities
Camden Miniature Steam Services
Compass House
Elliott Bay Steam Launch Co.
Fyne Fort Fittings
Garden Railways
Graham Industries
Jerry E. Howell - Model Project Plans & Kits Home Page
Metaalwinkel Rotterdam
Miniature model engines
Model Oil UK
Modelbouw atelier Apeldoorn
Modellbau Wiggers (Stirling-hot air model engineering)
MVD / Modellbauschrauben
New and Used Machine Tools from MBMachineTools
PM Research Inc.
PNP Railways - Live Steam Model Railway Components
Reliable Steam Engine Co.
Ride On Railways
RPM Models - Small Engine Kits for the Big Engine Enthusiasts
Scalenay Signals
Small-Scale Live Steam
Station Road Steam - live steam models
Steam Fire Engines
Steam-Models Web Site
Stuart Models - model steam engines
The Engineers Emporium
Wilesco Dampfmaschinen
Yesteryear Toys: model toy steam engines and trains.

 Tools & Workshop Accessories

Bijou Moderne, Bleiswijk
Company Home Page
De Locloods
Dremel Tools
Hegema Strijen B.V.
Hegner schuurmachines
Herman Buitelaar
Hogetex gereedschap.
Home Page
Kappert Machines Raalte
MATAC Europe
Old domestic Clocks
Powerplus Tools
RC Machines
Veltman Machines, nieuwe en gebruikte metaal- en houtbewerkingsmachines.
Welkom bij VDH

 Shay Locomotief Information

California State Railroad Museum
Geared Steam Locomotive Works
MSR&LHA`s Official Web Site
Oso Railworks
Transportation History Collection: Railroads

 Foundry and metalcasting

Backyard metal casting
Home Iron Foundry
Steel Founders' Society of America
Building my Gingery style lathe
Jims Foundry

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