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 m.n. us-cartoons

nyt cartoons
iranian cartoons
stylecomics (ted rall plus . . . )
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creators syndicate
political cartoons

 america under attack

us today
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archief america under attack
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cn special
daily photo file
terreur in de vs
11 september 2001
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wtc (great buildings)

 wtc puinhoop

earthcam o.a. wtc
usgs spectro dust
wtc ná


why the towers fell
tower tragedy
engineering (cad-digest)
how the world trade center fell
virtual tour from . . . .
o.a. skylines ny
last foto's (....!?)
wtc architekt

 new york ná

archief space imaging

 hoe/wat is america (usa) ?

360° panorama photos
panoramic photographs
starttips usa
amerika boogolinks
geschiedenis, bevolking, etc
arlington cemetery homepage


terrorism q&a
wtc inferno
america at war
wtc new york

 geschiedenis america

american memory library
peter stuyvesant
humanities text initiative
- 'making of america' (1)
- 'making of america' (2)
alles america
- de geschiedenis van america
- aanleiding tot de burgeroorlog
- dè burgeroorlog 1861-1865
* civilwarhome
* o.a. soldiers civil war
- independence day (dl.1)
- independence day (dl.2)
- the american flag
the national security archive
military records & databases
* civilwarsearch
american battle monuments

Bol AlgemeenBol Algemeen


 heeft U 'n advies of 'n tip ? laat dan iets van u 'horen' !

- gebruik (ook tbv uw reacties op bovenstaande genealogische vragen) mijn gastenboek! of . . . . . .
'n Dode link? 'n Goeie suggestie? Laat het weten: beewee@kanweljanken.nl
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 eigen neven"sites"

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 en nu verder !

nieuwe bouwplannen

 new york

the official nyc website
nyc-pictures - midtown
o.a. foto's ny
ny government portal
ny pagina
welcome to ny
here is new york
the museum of new york
the new york state museum
i love new york
forgotten new york
nyc skyline
- skyline new york

 o.a. history new york

manhattan (maps)
- visit manhattan
- lower manhattan
- manhattan (map)
dutch buildings
dutch colonies
colonial times

 former usa-presidents

wikipedia: thepresidentsoftheusa
american presidents
the former presidents
first ladies
herbert clark hoover
franklin delano roosevelt
harry truman
dwight eisenhower
john f.kennedy
lyndon b.johnson
richard m.nixon
gerald r.ford
ronald reagan
jimmy carter
george bush
bill clinton

 usa internetnieuws

buzz flasz
the progressive
the daily weasel
the agonist
mother jones
democratic underground (anti)
bush watch

 patriotism usa

o.a. songs (01)
m.n. song(s) (02)

 eigen neven"sites"

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zie ook mef "beewee (3)"
selectie 150 mef-pagina's
opmaak startbewijs beewee
m'n moerstaal-site


native american supersite
america en nederland
national defense university
national atlas of the usa.
maps and geography
the united states of america
feiten & cijfers (usa)
volkslied usa (music & text)
de verenigde staten
usa linkbibliotheek (de staten)
state and local government
america pagina
us government
- country analysis briefs
us government (for seniors)
administration on aging
federal bureau of investigation (fbi)
- the 10 most wanted
- internet fraud complaint center
central intelligence agency (cia)
- the world factbook
the white house (usa)(1)
the white house (usa)(2)
the white house (usa)(3)
- live in the white house
- the "air force one"

 parlement en regering

de senaat
huis van afgevaardigden


u.s. departments and agencies
department of state
- background notes ~countries
- ned. vertegenwoordiging in the usa
- netherlands-embassy in the usa
- us embassy the hague (1)
- us embassy the hague (2)
department of education
department of the interior
- bureau of land management
department of homeland security
department of transportation
department of health & human sevices
department of energy
department of housing & urban ..
department of labor
department of agriculture
department of commerce
- global trade
department of the treasury
department of defense
- the pentagon
- us army
- us defence
- us defense news
department of veterans affairs
department of justice

 de politieke partijen

democratic national committee
republican national committee
alle politieke partijen

 publikaties e.d.

council on foreign relations
- foreign affairs

 new york bij de dag

weerbericht ny e.o.

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